JAPAN TECHNOLOGYのファーストプロダクト「KAMUI」が10年の時を経てリニューアル。
落下時に高く跳ね上がるのもKAMUI WIDEの特徴の一つです。
近年の主流に合わせたKAMUI WIDEのスペックは入門層の心強い選択肢となる事でしょう。
10周年を迎えたJAPAN TECHNOLOGYが更なるオフストリングスタイルの普及とプレイヤー育成を目指し世に送り出す国産オフストリングモデルです。
JAPAN TECHNOLOGY’s first product “KAMUI” is now renewed after 10 years.
It has the same shape as KAMUI but has a wider body.
One of the characteristics is that it bounces high when it is dropped.
KAMUI WIDE has the popular spec now and is great for beginners.
It is JAPAN TECHNOLOGY’s 10th year anniversary and we would like to introduce this Japan made off string model to help spread the off string style and help train players.
Diameter | 79.7mm |
Width | 64.5mm |
Weight | 76.3g |
Price | ¥2980 |