「大きく、幅広く、軽い」を実現した大きな可能性を秘めたOff Stringモデルが完成しました。
「革命を起こす」「万人に愛されるものを作る」というJTのコンセプトを貫き、納得のできる作品、JAPAN TECHNOLOGYらしい作品ができるまで答えを探し続けてきました。
大きく、力強く宙を舞う姿は北国の極寒の海を強く生き抜く「オオセグロカモメ」が羽ばたく姿を連想させる事から「GULL WING」と名付けました。
その全てにおいてJAPAN TECHNOLOGY史上最大級のインパクトを皆様にお届け致します。
A “Big, Wide, and Light” off string model with potential is now completed.
After Rera was released, many players were seeking a wider model yoyo.
We soon had a desire to create what players wanted, but designing a wider model better than Rera was not so easy.
We could easily make the diameters wider. However, that caused a lot of other problems, such as, lowering the total balance due to the bias of the spec.
・Wide but too heavy
・Wide but low quality spinning
・Body and parts broke because of heavy weights
・Width and weights were manufactured but couldn’t spin well
We could have just given up on some of the parts, but we decided to follow JT’s concept, “Revolution” and “Loved by All Individuals”, so we kept seeking the model that players wanted.
6 years has passed after Rera was born.
We finally completed the model
It is the best wide model yoyo created by reliable technicians in a factory in northern Hokkaido.
The yoyo is named “GULL WING” because it reminds us of a “slaty-backed gull” which survives in the cold sea of Hokkaido and flies strongly in the sky.
We will deliver you the biggest impact in JAPAN TECHNOLOGY’s history.
Diameter | 83.6mm |
Width | 69.0mm |
Weight | 74.5g |
Price | ¥9980 |