JAPAN TECHNOLOGYが提案するモノメタルヨーヨー「ADEL」はコンテストシーンでの活躍も視野に入れた本格競技ヨーヨーです。
オフストリングモデルからヒントを得た独特の重量配分はJAPAN TECHNOLOGYだからこそ行き着く事ができるものです。
軽く、良く回り、傾きにくいバイメタルモデルが主流になりつつある現在ですが、JAPAN TECHNOLOGYは独自の研究からモノメタルモデルをそれに近い性能に引き上げるための直径、幅、重量、形状を算出する事に成功しました。
コンボ後半の回転の伸び、本体の傾きにくさをJAPAN TECHNOLOGYのモノメタルヨーヨーで体感して下さい。
"65 grams - The Possibility of Monometal"
JAPAN TECHNOLOGY proposes a monometal yoyo, "ADEL."It is an orthodox yoyo for competition.
We got a hint from the off string yoyo models. JAPAN TECHNOLOGY finally found the special weight distribution.
Bimetal models are mainly used now because they are light, spins well, and is stable.
JAPAN TECHNOLOGY's unique research successfully made the monometal model have a performance similar to Bimetal models by calculating the diameter, width, weight, and shapes.
In cooperation with the production factory, we completed producing ADEL only one year after we had the idea.
You can feel its smoothness and move it as you want. With 65 grams, ADEL is just like FiReal.
This makes it possible for you to play at speeds of which you would never imagine from its weight.
Please experience the increase of spin in the last half of the combo and the stableness with JAPAN TECHNOLOGY's monometal yoyo.
Diameter | 57.0mm |
Width | 41.7mm |
Weight | 65.1g |
Price | ¥16800 |